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Creating a placeholder chassis

You can create a placeholder chassis that can be pre-provisioned before the hardware is installed. Provisioning compute nodes in the chassis reserves management IP addresses and virtual Ethernet or Fibre Channel addresses.


Complete the following steps to create a placeholder chassis.

  1. From the Lenovo XClarity Administrator menu bar, click Provisioning > Patterns. The Configuration Patterns: Patterns page is displayed.
  2. Click the Placeholder Chassis tab.
  3. Click the Add Placeholder Chassis vertical tab.
  4. Enter a name and description for the placeholder chassis.
  5. Click Add.

After you finish

A vertical tab is added for the new placeholder chassis on the Configuration Patterns: Placeholder Chassis page.
Illustrates the list of bays in a placeholder chassis on the Configuration Patterns: Placeholder Chassis page.
From this page, you can perform the following actions on a selected placeholder chassis:
  • Deploy the placeholder chassis by clicking the Deploy icon (Deploy placeholder chassis icon).
  • Modify the placeholder chassis name and description by clicking the Edit icon (Edit icon).
  • Deploy a server pattern to the placeholder chassis (see Deploying a server pattern to a placeholder chassis).
  • Deactivate the server profile from a placeholder chassis (see Deactivating a server profile).
  • Delete the placeholder chassis by clicking the Delete icon (Delete icon).