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Connecting XClarity Administrator as a hub to the TruScale portal

You can connect Lenovo XClarity Administrator as a management hub to the Lenovo TruScale portal.

Before you begin

These configuration steps are intended only for Lenovo Service representatives.


To connect XClarity Administrator to the TruScale portal, complete the following steps.

  1. From the XClarity Administrator menu bar, click Administration > Hub Configuration to display the Hub Configuration page.
  2. Create a registration key by clicking Generate Registration Request. The Generate Registration Request dialog is displayed.
  3. Click Copy to Clipboard to copy the registration key, and then close the dialog.
  4. Click Install Registration Key to display the Install Registration Key dialog.
  5. Paste the registration key in the Registration Key field.
  6. Click Submit.

After you finish

You can uninstall the registration key by clicking Reset Configuration.