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Sample hardware data

The following example is collected and sent to Lenovo on a periodic basis when you agree to send hardware data to Lenovo.

Data is collected daily and weekly.

Daily hardware data

"2020-03-23T12:32:24.765": {
"event": {
"severity": 200,
"timeStamp": "2020-03-23T16:32:21Z",
"eventID": "FQXHMDM0001I",
"eventClass": 800,
"service": 100,
"mtm": "",
"flags": ["Hidden"],
"action": 100,
"msgID": "",
"commonEventID": "FQXHMDM0001I",
"cn": ""
"deviceInventoryChanges": [{
"chassis/671D5D9EBB4440A49D9DAF08A9EDFB36": [{
{ "nodes": [] },
{ "accessState": "Pending" },
{ "powerSupplies": [{
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"cmmHealthState": "Non-Critical",
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"description": "Power Supply",
"excludedHealthState": "Normal",
"firmware": [{
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"date": "",
"name": "Power Supply Firmware",
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"status": "",
"type": "Power Supply Firmware",
"version": ""
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"inputVoltageMax": -1,
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"date": "",
"name": "Power Supply Firmware",
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"uuid": "FF2D840D7A644BCE91ADC16C78978A03",
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"dataHandle": 0,
"description": "Fan Logic Module",
"excludedHealthState": "Normal",
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"model": "",
"name": "Fan Logic 01",
"overallHealthState": "Normal",
"parent": {
"uri": "chassis/671D5D9EBB4440A49D9DAF08A9EDFB36",
"uuid": "671D5D9EBB4440A49D9DAF08A9EDFB36"
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"productId": "338",
"productName": "IBM Fan Pack Multiplexor Card",
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"serialNumber": "",
"slots": [1],
"type": "FanMux",
"uri": "fanMux/4247F859984711E08372E99E4175BAB0",
"uuid": "4247F859984711E08372E99E4175BAB0"
"cmmDisplayName": "Fan Logic 02",
"cmmHealthState": "Non-Critical",
"dataHandle": 0,
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"excludedHealthState": "Normal",
"FRU": "81Y2912",
"fruSerialNumber": "Y031BG16D0CE",
"hardwareRevision": "4.0",
"leds": [{
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"name": "FAULT",
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"machineType": "",
"manufactureDate": "2511",
"manufacturer": "IBM",
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"model": "",
"name": "Fan Logic 02",
"overallHealthState": "Normal",
"parent": {
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"productId": "338",
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"serialNumber": "",
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"type": "FanMux",
"uri": "fanMux/71F72BE3985011E0B5A8E216694D6175",
"uuid": "71F72BE3985011E0B5A8E216694D6175"
{ "switches": [] },
{ "excludedHealthState": "Normal" },
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{ "inventoryState": null }

Weekly hardware data

"2020-03-23T12:41:28.045": {
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"switchSlots": 4,
"tlsVersion": {
"currentValue": "TLS_12_Server",
"possibleValues": ["TLS_12_Server","unsupported","TLS_12_Server_Client","SSL_30"]
"type": "Chassis",
"uri": "chassis/671D5D9EBB4440A49D9DAF08A9EDFB36",
"userDefinedName": "SN#Y010BG57Y01G",
"userDescription": "",
"uuid": "671D5D9EBB4440A49D9DAF08A9EDFB36",
"vpdID": "336"
"complexList": [],
"height": 52,
"nodeList": [],
"location": "",
"placeholderList": [],
"room": "",
"storageList": [],
"switchList": [],